Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Letters about Literature

Letters about Literature
Letter to Sarah Dessen, author of What Happened to Goodbye;
                Since the age of two months, I have moved three times in my life, every move, to a different state, and each with its own unique atmosphere. Similar to Mclean, the independence, and feeling of nonexistence moving to each place never goes away. You feel as if your starting over, you have a new slate. Until you meet and befriend that first person, you are distressed considering the changes that are going to happen. That first friend always introduces you around, and before you know it you feel like you’re starting to fit in. In my most recent move, that friend was Sloan, for Mclean; it was Dave. In this book, I could easily relate to Mclean and her experiences as well as her character personality. I share a really close bond with my dad as does Mclean Sweet and her father, although we are not on our own. I am not always confident (such as Mclean, Liz, Lizbet, Elizabeth), but I will never let someone I love down. I also tend to hold grudges (although don’t most teenage girls), but I can keep promises, like Mclean with her Dad’s fallout with his passion for basketball. I would never be able to stop playing basketball, it is… my life. These comparisons made the story meaningful to me because it shows another view of a similar circumstance to parts of my life.
                It shows a girl who has moved and understands what it is like to constantly "start over." This book also made me realize that you never truly know what goes on in other people's life, and always be ready because you could meet the guy of your dreams even underground. It gives you a new perspective on viewing the world. It makes you comprehend that not everyone's home life is perfect or as complete and good as yours might seem, and everyone experiences hard times, you may never know what they are really going through so keep an open mind. I felt connected to this book in many ways, but it did not pull me into its story.
                While reading this book I was never completely engulfed, to the point where I could not put it down. There were parts that intrigued me and kept me interested, however there were portions where I could easily put it down. I felt that the conflicts and arguing between Mclean and her mom were rather annoying. They were tedious and over nothing very important for the most part. This bothered me. I have never been around this kind of problem at home or aware of it in others lives. Although it was not my favorite book, it had good plot, and I enjoyed the quick read, as a school assignment. It definitely beats some of the other books we must read for school. So props to the author for writing a moderately- decent book.

What Happened to Goodbye Animoto

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Picture Blog

When she was little, Mclean and her Mom used to always look up and point out three constellations, Orion being one of them. It lets them know they are always there, no matter how far away they really are.
Basketball is her family's game. Her dad played at Defriese, and is a proud alumni. He taught Mclean everything she knows. It also destroyed her family. Her mother had an affair and married the Defriese head coach, leaving Mclean and her dad hating Defriese, her mom, and basketball for a long time.
Mclean reinvents herself everytime her and her dad move. The first time she moved, she became a perky rah-rah girl. She was into cheerleading and school spirit.
Her next move to Westcott she became a drama-mama. Involved in school plays, musicals, and choir.
When she moved to Montford Falls, she became an all-around joiner. She involved herself in many clubs, and helped out in everything she could.
When Mclean is unpacking in Lakeview she finds this guy (Dave) on her back porch. She later finds he is kid genius that choose to go to high school to be normal for once.   They become "2 o'clock friends", and he helps her find out who she really is.

When Mclean and her dad move to Lakeview, he begins working at Luna Blu. This represents Mcleans dad's job, of remodeling and fixing restaurants, and also the start of something new for Mclean and her dad.
The first thing Mclean's dad changes at Luna Blu is the rolls. He takes them out of the menu, which brings up controversy. They symbolize old customs, and refusal to change.
Fried pickles are what Mclean's dad puts in the restaurant to replace the rolls. They symbolize new things, and change that comes not only in the restaurant, but in everyone's life throughout the book.
A small circle tatoo on the wrist. Two of Mclean's friends Dave and Riley share this tatoo, because it represents someone they were close to, and their lifelong friendship, something Mclean wishes she had.
Mclean's old car which she had when her parents still lived together. She finds it at her mom and stepdad's shorehouse. It symbolizes old times, and the way things used to be.
A rope bracelt or as called in the book "a gert" symbolizes Mclean and her mom's frequent trips to the ocean together when her parents were still married. It is a reminder of her old mom, and how much she misses being able to do that, and feel like she still had a family.
Poseidon. A motel that Mclean feels is an escape from the world. A familiar yet distant home, that reminds her of what her life used to be like.
This picture represents a new beginning. It is what Mclean is getting at the end of the book. Her dad decides to settle down and live in Lakeview as a chef. Mclean is entering college at the U and is staying close to all of her friends. Mclean and her mom have healed there relationship, and everything is going in the right direction.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Video Blog

This is my Vlog for second quarter Read for a Lifetime!

Miss Independent Music Blog

 For this blog post, I decided to embed a song that I believe describes the mood and tone of my book. I chose the song Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson. I'm sure a lot of you guys have heard this song before, and if not I recommend it! Anyway, the book I have been reading this quarter is What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen. It is about a teenage girl Mclean who moves around constantly with her dad who helps remodel and improve local restaurants. Due to her parents ugly divorce, and choosing to live with her dad and constantly move, she is very independent, but she is also unsure of her real self. Every place she lives, she reinvents herself, until she gets to her current home, and attends Jackson High. She meets a guy who she begins to fall for, and instead of making up a name to go by, she allows herself to be called Mclean, and figure out who she is. I haven't gotten far in the book, but I know that at the point I am at this song is perfect.
      Miss Independent is a song that talks about how a girl who had complete control over herself and didn't need anyone else to complete her, or make her feel at home. That is until she meets that one guy whom she falls for. She feels like her life is changing, and she discovering a part of herself she has never known. Therefore, the message of this song goes along well with What Happened to Goodbye. Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blog Comments 10/27/11

Blog Comments:
I could not find anyone who read my book last quarter, so I just decided to comment on someone who is reading the book right now, and two people whose books look interesting to read.
Alicia! I am so glad we are reading the same book, you know what that means... BOOOKK CLUB! I hope we will be able to discuss this book in the future after we get farther into What Happened to Goodbye. Your blog is good at explaining how you want to improve on your blog this quarter and what you felt like you did well. I think if you provided more examples about instances were you felt strong, or like you could do better, it could be a good teaching tool for others.I had issues with my Music Blog from last quarter too, I do not think I fully read the instructions,and forgot to write two full paragraphs. Also I look forward to hearing more thoughts about your opinion on the book, and I hope that blog comes soon! Love you! :)

Kristy! I loved reading your blog, it was interesting and it was fun to read. I think Shipbreaker looks like a good book, and I am considering reading it next quarter. I love your idea about creating a modern soundtrack for your book. We did something like this last year in Mr. Dunn's class and that was a blast. I am glad you know what you want to work on for this next quarter, but what are some examples? You could give us some as a way of teaching us what we should avoid doing. Also what are some of the things you did well? We all know your a great writer! Well, I'm going to go the bell is about to ring, bye! :)

Hey Nina! I really liked your blog, and agree completely that blogging is better than writing essays. I think that the book you are reading "Three Black Swans" looks interesting and it reminds me of the movie Parent Trap. I know it's not exactly the same but that movie came to mind. :) You provided good examples about what you feel you need to improve on,and I am sure you will be able to fix those problems this quarter. I am interested in seeing how your blog lays out this quarter. I think this book will be exciting and intriguing so I will try and keep up to date, as the weeks go by!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Reflections, Changes, and a New Book

     We are now beginning our second quarter. It is crazy how fast school has gone by already! We were just handed back our first quarter blogs, and there were some surprises, but going through my corrected copy I can see why I received the grade I did. In this past quarter's blog, I really felt I did well in including all topics, and using clear ideas. I also felt my conventions and usage were strong. I was strong including the media, link, and videos. I put a lot of thought into those; especially with my animoto, and I was very happy with my feedback. However, there were some aspects were I felt I could of done better. They are critique and analysis. When writing my posts, and commenting on my friends blogs, I need to go into more depth, use more thought and development. My goal for this next quarter is to be more insightful in my responses and posts, as well as lengthen my posts to include more description, and thought. Overall I am ready for this new quarter.
     I was a little disappointed in my grade for my blog, but I still enjoy blogging. I feel it is a way to be more involved in the book, and to explore it in greater depth. I would much rather blog, than write essays, or reflection papers. I really like blogging because using small assignments together to create a grade allows you to focus and perfect smaller sections, and I also believe it to be more entertaining. This quarter I have a new Read For a Lifetime book, What Happened to Goodbye.
     This past week I have started reading What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen. I have not gotten very far into the book, just a couple chapters, but as of right now I know a little about the main character's background. The main character Mclean, lives with her dad and they are constantly on the move. Her dad goes around to different states, cities, and towns remaking remodeling restaurants and their menus. Her mother and her father divorced when she was younger, and due to a strained relationship with her mother, Mclean chose to move around with her dad, changing her personality from drama queen, to school pep, to all-around joiner. I am looking forward to finishing this book, I have read other books by Sarah Dessen, and think she is a great author. Keep checking back for more blog updates!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog Entry 6: Important Links

20 Website links to help give you more information on Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas.

This website is the authors main website. She posts an autobiography, talks about her books, some of her favorite links, and how to contact her. You can tell her personality is very fun, and jokes around.

A main interest of the author is volleyball. She incorporates volleyball into the book, because that is the sport Anke plays in high school. Her love for volleyball is apparent on her website and in her book.

One of the main conflicts in Because I am Furniture is Anke's abusive father. He abuses her brother and sister constantly. This website provides facts on domestic abuse as well as hot line numbers.

Anke's brother and sister need protection, yet no one in her family can offer it for them at first. This website is the Illinois Department of Child Protection and provides easy to reach information and tips. Yaicha was able to finally do whats right, but these programs are available for those who need help getting a solution.

Anke's best friend on her volleyball team is Rona. Her dad is a alcoholic and she is often caught up in the late nights making sure he is okay. She confides her secret to Anke which brings them closer together.

Anke and her best friend Rona are varsity volleyball players for their high school. They have a passion for the sport like many girls around the world. To get a feel for the game I choose to post the schedule to our terrier volleyball games, if you are interested.

After going through the trauma Anke dealt with at home they recommended therapy for her. She refused to go so she could let her thoughts process. This website is a therapist finder for your city.

Anke feels invisible and unloved, and it really upsets her. She wants her dad to abuse her so she feels she is somewhat important. This website helps you not feel invisible and love what your doing and who you are.

Although Because I am Furniture is not truly about furniture, I love this website. In the book furniture is constantly broken from being used as a weapon. If you need a replacement, this would be the store to go visit.

Anke's dad will not allow either of his daughters to wear makeup. However when Anke's friend Angie wears it, her dad complements her, and makes her feel special. This angers Anke, and she wishes her friends could understand her real father.

When the book is talking about Anke playing volleyball they talk about all the passing, setting, and spiking drills. This website provides different drills to use in a volleyball practice. It will also give you and idea about what exactly they had to do in practice.

Winne the Pooh is a beloved character and story by many people young, and old. One of Anke's favorite childhood memories is of her father reading Winne the Pooh. This was before he turned angry, and abusive.

Anke uncovers one of her sister's deepest secrets when she finds her birth control. This uncovers a suspision about her dad she was aware of, but didn't know for sure. This is another horrible thing Anke's dad put her family through.

Anke describes her and her siblings relationship as a equidistant triangle. All three are corners but there is a line separating them. They aren't very close and the only way for them to become close is to step towards each other.

Anke is secretly seeing a boy Jed. They hang out at his house after school at times, and do homework and watch t.v. However he never wants to be seen with her at school, and he acts like she does not even exist.

Anke at times feels like she is the Cinderella in her house. She always does the chores, yet is never noticed or appreciated. Cinderella is a well known Disney movie about a young girl who is stuck cleaning and cooking for her evil step-mother and sisters, until one day her fairy godmother changes  her luck.

17)   Anke is always trying to improve her grades since her dad constantly tells her she can do better. She hopes this will make him happy and proud, but it does not. This is an article about how much high school grades do matter, especially if you are wanting a good college education.

Anke's dad is constantly cheating on her mom, and it really upsets her yet she does not know what to do about it. This website is a security program designed to figure out if your wife/husband is cheating on you. If Anke's mom would believe the truth instead of ignoring it she might have been able to stand up for herself and her kids.

Anke meets a soccer player Kyler, and they instantly hit it off. They both have feelings for one another, and talk all the time. Since Kyler is a soccer player, I chose the FIFA link to represent the world cupa and the biggest soccer organization in the world.

After Anke is hospitalized from her father's attack, Kyler brings her flowers. Things between Anke and Kyler took a wrong turn after the dance earlier in the book, but the flowers brought them closer again. This link is for ordering flowers, a flower can always brighten someones day.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vlogging :)

My Vlog on Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas.
Hope you enjoy!! :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Read for a Lifetime Blog Comments

1st Comment: Alicia Donoghue

Hey Alicia. While going through the Read for a Lifetime list a Boy Who Dared was a book I was considering reading, so I decided to follow you and figure out in depth what the book is about. I'm also following you because your are one of my good friends. I agree with your statement about English not being your favorite subject. I am not a fan of writing papers or essays either. I look forward to seeing how this book turns out and weather it will be a good read. I also really like your ideas about blogging such as making videos, and putting ourselves in the character's shoes. These are really creative ideas,and I believe they will be entertaining to blog about. Bye!
xoxo Sarah

2nd Comment: Kylie Crews

Kylie! Reading this blog about the music you choose for your book: The Sky is Everywhere, is very descriptive. It paints a picture in your head and you can connect with the book as you are listening to the music. I really enjoyed how you put so much thought into how you choose the music. I also enjoy how well the music is incorporated into your story. The music's tone and its variance of melody help to describe the mood of your characters as you pointed out in your blog. I will continue to follow your blog, this seems like a very good book.

3rd Comment: Jackson Bates

Hey Jackson! I really liked your blog, and look forward to updating myself on your book! I am also really glad we got to start blogging because writing isn't really my strong point, and I can't say I like it either. I feel blogging about our books will also provide an entertaining way to express what our book is about. As Kylie mentioned I would really like to know a little more about the book, because it sounds like something I am interested in reading. Talk to you later!
This is Sarah Goodale, but for some reason my Google Account won't register my name so it says anonymous, but it's me!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Because I am: Music

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="272" height="68"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="playlist=/node/4371/play/xml" /><a href="">Classical Connect - Free classical music online</a></object>

           I am currently reading Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas, and found a song that I feel really relates to the tone and mood of the book. The song I am using is Chaconne from Partita No. 2 in D Minor by Bach-Busoni. The song I choose gives good examples of both sides of  characters voices in my story.
          This song's dynamics vary from loud and hard to a more soft and meaningful tone. This greatly portrays where the mood is set in my book so far. The loud and more menacing parts of the song represent the violent nature of Anke's abusive father. He abuses Anke's brother and sister: Darren and Yaicha. Then as the song progresses and is interrupted by a softer and lighter tone which represents Anke as she is finding her voice through volleyball. My book is depressing right now with Anke's father being the main problem, but as I continue reading Anke is finding strength within herself and with her new found friend on the volleyball team who is going through a rough family situation as well. When I continue to read I hope to find that the soundtrack will become happier as Anke can step up for herself and here family.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Because I am Furniture in Pictures

                                                  Finding your voice, discovering who you are.

                                                   Anke is invisible to her abusive father.
                                              Anke is trying to discover herself, to help her family.
                                                                          Anke's Symbol
                                       Freshman Year. The year everything will begin to change.
Rona's dads problem, creates bond between her and Anke.
Reason for Dad's blowup at Yaicha.
Yaicha ignores Anke at school.
Becoming more outgoing wit Kyler.
Anke's new personality is taking over.
Anke's dads personality in public.

What goes on inside Anke's house.
Anke's ignored, feels worthless.
Yaicha's deepest secret.
 Distant from each other, and can't get closer.
Height of tree represents traits, Anke's fathers overpowers.
Innocent Angeline in Anke's eyes.
Anke's mothers symbol for her fathers old kindness.
Anke's only true companion in her house.
Anke hears everything, why can't anyone speak up?


Monday, August 29, 2011

First Blog Entry

             My name is Sarah Goodale, I am a Junior at Carbondale Community High School. I am 16 years old, and have lived in Carbondale for two years. I have lived in four different states: Utah, Indiana, Oregon, and now Illinois. I have played basketball and ran track for as long as I can remember, and they are a huge part of my life. So far in high school my experiences in my English classes have been fun and interesting and I am looking forward to completing this blog throughout my junior year. It's a new experience, and I can already tell, I will like blogging more than writing papers.
            The purpose of blogging is to try a new way to express what we liked, disliked, or thought about the books we will be reading for Read For a Lifetime. It will replace analytical essays and give a more modern view on analyzing books, and ideas. Read For a Lifetime is a program where you are given a list of books to  read, and analyze. This is a fun way to be introduced to a new genre of books, and topics you never may have thought of reading. The book I choose for Read For a Lifetime is Because I am Furniture by Thalia Chaltas. My book is about a teenage girl Anke whose father abuses her brother and sister. To everyone in her family she is invisible, "a piece of furniture." Anke then decides to tryout for the volleyball team, and learns she has a voice, a voice that is hers and it can be heard. When reading through the summaries this book appealed to me, because it is about finding your voice, through sports, and I completely agree. Sports have made me more outgoing, and able to speak my mind. Playing a leadership role on a team requires you to constantly talk and encourage your teammates. I am looking forward to reading this book, and blogging about it. I think it will be a lot of fun, the only thing I am worried about is that I will not have enough material for some of the prompts.
            Whenever I write using a prompt, I always find that it is easier, and more interesting when I thoroughly know the topic. My book deals a lot about emotion, feelings, finding your inner strength, and standing up for yourself. With this in mind, I feel that an appropriate blog prompts would be how do you feel about the challenge your main character has to go through? This directly effects the main idea of the book, and helps you relate to the story. Another prompt that would be engaging for all readers is how do you feel the issue, or problem in your book ties into issues today? This would help relate and get a chance to look at reality. A prompt that would be interesting for the end of the Read For a Lifetime unit would be when looking back at all your books, was there something in common with them? Why do you think you choose these four, and which did you feel was the one you really connected and understood? I believe that these prompts would be intriguing to many students. I am interested to see what Read For a Lifetime is all about, and hope that I will have a positive experience. Goodbye for now!