We are now in our 3rd quarter of school, and we all know what that means. A new read for a lifetime book, and more blogging! Last quarter I read Sarah Dessen's What Happened to Goodbye. It was a good read, and blogging to that book was fairly easy. I worked hard on last quarters blog and my grade definitely proved it. Although I did not get 100%, it was considerably better than 1st quarter's. I was more thorough with my blogs, and I enjoyed getting to pick the blogs I got to do from the list Mrs. Hayes gave our class. We are already a couple weeks in, and I have picked out my new book. This quarter I am reading Five Flavors of Dumb by Antony John.
It is a book about a eighteen year old girl, Piper, who because of her big mouth, landed the job as her high school's new rock band manager. The different personalities in the band make it a difficult task, but she reaches out to her friends such as Ed, who help her overcome her disability (being deaf) and the school discovers he has a hidden talent that lands him a spot in the band. As manager Piper tries to land her band gigs, and discovers they have a lot of work to do, along the way. I think this book will be really interesting and I can't wait to see how it plays out. The challenge of being a band manager while being deaf, must be extremely difficult, but her persistence and determination is something to be admired. I will keep you updated on how the book goes, and will continue to blog. I wish we had more of a structured list of topics to blog about, but that is just me. Coming up with creative and unique blog ideas will be a challenge, so 3rd quarter... bring it on!