Monday, February 27, 2012

End of 3rd Quarter Blogging!

Well we are down three quarters, and one more to go! We have done a lot this quarter with blogging and posting on other people's blogs. We have become friends with people on the Ning and have even skyped with their class. We are looking to be skyping a lot more this up coming quarter and I can't wait to complete Read for a Lifetime. Five Flavors of Dumb was a good book, and I enjoyed getting to read it this quarter. This curriculum for English has definitely been new, and I can tell you coming into the year I was not expecting it, but I have liked it a lot. It is a great alternative to writing essays, and takes a more modern vibe with the adding of pictures, links, and videos. As the year has progressed we have been given more freedom to do what we wish with respect to our blog themes.

In the beginning of the year every week we were given a blog prompt to complete. This was during first quarter. In the second quarter we were given a list of about 15 blog prompts and could pick and choose as we saw fit for our book. Now in third quarter we had complete freedom so I tried to challenge myself by creating my own topics. I am interested to see what Mrs. Hayes has in store for us fourth quarter, and I am excited to complete my final book. Well I have now finished my blogs for awhile, but I will be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. At Fremd on the Ning, our topics differ from class to class. Now we have so many classes, that at any given time another class is finishing up their book blogs. Skyping with your class was really fun, but since our class is at a different time than yours, we can only get the timing right on special occasions. It just so happened that the day we skyped, our school started 2 hours later than usual and our class periods were thrown off enough that it worked out. It's really fun having Carbonale H.S. part of are blogging and we really appreciate your comments.
